
Magenta Residence

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Summarecon Bekasi mempersembahkan sebuah cluster hunian terbaru MAGENTA Residence. Beranjak dari keberhasilan klaster sebelumnya, kami menghadirkan klaster hunian 2 lantai terbaru yang akan mengangkat kebanggaan… Read More »Magenta Residence

Company Overview

Company Overview PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk (“Summarecon”) was founded in 1975 by Mr. Soetjipto Nagaria and his associates to undertake real estate construction and development. Starting… Read More »Company Overview

Srimaya Commercial

Srimaya Commercial memberikan kesempatan untuk memulai bisnis ataupun meningkatkan usaha bisnis rumahan ke level berikutnya. Dikonsep menjadi area komersial dengan kewirausahaan yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan… Read More »Srimaya Commercial


MORIZEN adalah karya terbaik dari pengembangan hunian berkelas di kawasan yang telah sangat mapan, Summarecon Bekasi. Sebuah kehidupan yang memadukan kesempurnaan arsitektur dengan suasana alam… Read More »Morizen

Olive Residence

OLIVE Residence merupakan cluster berkonsep Kissing the Lakeside, yang dilengkapi teknologi ramah lingkungan yang harmonis dengan alam yang asri dan indahnya danau. Dilengkapi Club House… Read More »Olive Residence

Vision & Mission

Vision To be the “Crown Jewel” of property developers in Indonesia that continuously delivers optimal economic value to its customers, employees, shareholders and other stakeholders, as well as fulfilling its social and environmental responsibilities. Mission  Focus on maximizing the benefits of an integrated development model, including townships development, by utilizing competitive advantages in each sector:… Read More »Vision & Mission

Property Developments

Property Development Property development is Summarecon’s core business. The property development business unit develops property products for sale such as residential house, apartment, residential land plot and commercial shoplot . These property projects are integral to the development of a township’s residential and commercial development, and include supporting facilities such as education facilities, sports and… Read More »Property Developments